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Release v2.0.1


  • The copy of the No supported assets view was adjusted to avoid confusion
  • Squid router was added to the Bridges component
  • Shuttle was updated to prevent infinite connection loader
  • Switching wallets on the No supported assets view was fixed
  • The accordion of the AccountSummary component inside the modals is now expanded by default and remembers the user's last interaction (collapsed or expanded tabs)
  • Added native USDC (minted on the Noble chain and IBC'ed over to Osmosis)

Credit Accounts

  • Health Factor change preview is now displayed as a hatched line
  • Health Factor increase has now the color of the segment it will increase to
  • APR calculation was fixed by replacing total balance with net worth in the mathematical operation
  • (debt) was added as a suffix to borrowed positions


  • Dust was left in the Credit Account when a user clicked the Max button on a trade (if the collateral was used as the sell asset). The max button now selects the correct max amount of the sell assets
  • The initial status of the TradeChart component got fixed
  • The TradeChart component remembers the last selected trading pair now


  • Deposit Caps show now as XX.XX% filled
  • Tables have a loading state now
  • Column sorting was fixed
  • Withdraw was renamed to Unlend


  • Deposit Caps show now as XX.XX% filled
  • Max. TVL was replaced with Max. leverage


  • Tables have a loading state now
  • Column sorting was fixed
  • The current borrowed value is now displayed on borrow more modals

Release v2.0.2


  • Selected Accounts persist on reload now
  • The version in the footer now links to a change log page in the docs

Credit Accounts

  • The Credit Account Health calculation has been changed from a linear conversion of the Health Factor (0-10) to a logarithmic function with a base of 3.5. With this change, the Health for a Credit Account turns Healthy at an HF of 1.5, has 100% Health at an HF of 3.5, and the Health of a liquidate-able Credit Account is now 0% instead of 10%.
  • The tooltip of the Health now contains the Health Factor
  • Warnings were added for very risky positions, indicating the moment the Credit Account becomes liquidate-able
  • The Heart Symbol of unhealthy accounts will now start pulsing
  • Liquidate-able Credit Accounts have an exclamation mark instead of a heart symbol now


  • The Credit Account preview was not working when the user moved the slider back to 0 due to a missing condition. This has been fixed

Release v2.0.3


  • A Resync Oracle button was added to the header; whenever the prices of the Pyth oracle on chain get stale or are too old, every user is now able to submit the price data on-chain via a transaction to keep the UI up to date with the latest prices.
  • A bug was fixed where checkboxes weren't selectable or deselectable because a for and id value were missing on the label and input combination.

Credit Accounts

  • HealthFactor above 1 always returns 1% Health now to prevent 0% liquidation warnings for HF > 1 accounts.
  • When a user is not on the Trade page, a click-away handler was added to the AccountDetails component to close it when clicking outside of it to prevent buttons from being overlapped by the AccountDetails slide-out
  • When lending a tiny amount (0.000001) of an asset, the amount reported by the AccountQuery could become 0. To prevent showing 0 values, fractions of the smallest amount possible are now prefixed with the less than sign <


  • A bug where your last selected TradingPair didn't load into the TradingView was fixed.
  • The TradingView container has a preloader now.
  • A liquidity message was added that shows up when a user tries to borrow more of an asset than the Red Bank holds, preventing the transaction.

Release v2.0.4


  • Listed stOSMO as collateral
  • Listed TIA as collateral and borrowable asset
  • Updated all Token logos to use the official logo provided by the chain-registry repository
  • Updated Keplr and other wallet dependencies to ensure Osmosis1559 support


  • The APR of the Borrow Rate got converted to APY, to avoid confusion


  • Updated chart loading logic
  • Switched charts source to Pyth for every asset supported by the pyth oracle. If a route has an asset that is not supported by pyth yet, the source of the Trading View chart falls back to the pools on osmosis-1 as a chart source
  • Fixed the SwapModule overlapping the header on scroll

Release v2.0.5


  • Listed INJ as collateral and borrowable asset.
  • Listed USDT as collateral and borrowable asset.


  • The slider mark isn't off-positioned on load anymore.
  • Solved an issue with the slider masks being hidden behind the track sometimes.
  • The AccountSummary has a fixed width now to prevent flickering.
  • Checkboxes wrapped into onClick handlers did deselect themselves directly on click. This has been fixed.
  • The TradingView Chart is now shown onLoad or onReady.

Release v2.0.6


  • AKT was listed as a collateral and borrowable asset.
  • DYDX was listed as a collateral and borrowable asset.
  • An overflow menu was added to the header menu.
  • A link to the mars-1 governance was added to the header. This link leads to the governance interface of the currently connected wallet.


  • ICNS support for osmosis-1 was added.
  • ICP support was added as a fallback, if no ICNS address was registered.
  • As soon as a user has an ICNS or ICP domain mapped to the connected wallet, the domain name will be displayed in the wallet interface.


  • stATOM and stOSMO are not supported by the Pyth Network Oracles currently. Since The Graph returns stale data for osmosis-1, it was decided not to show any price chart data until the issue is resolved on the side of The Graph.
  • Swap fees are now shown in the TradeSummary
  • Min. receive was added to the TradeSummary
  • The liquidation price of an asset was added to the TradeSummary


  • The query for the deposit caps, which returned wrong values, was fixed.
  • Deposit caps cannot exceed 100% in the UI anymore, even if the underlying lent positions accrued more fees and grew higher than the deposit cap.
  • The values of the withdrawFromAllVaults overlay were showing zero values. This has been fixed.
  • Lending assets wasn't selected by default, that has been fixed

Release v2.1.0


  • A link to High Leverage strategies was added to the header

High Leverage Strategies

  • High Leverage Strategies (HLS) were enabled for stATOM and stOSMO staking

Release v2.1.1


  • BTC/USD price feed of WBTC was changed to WBTC/USD

Borrow and Lend

  • The Borrow and Lending table layout was adjusted to be more readable when having active and available tables shown
  • Users can now repay debt from Wallet to avoid issues when the deposit cap of the asset they want to repay is full


  • Users can now choose to automatically repay their debt on a trade if they have debt of the selected token they buy
  • Buy/sell token ratio now shows in the Trading View Chart header, as well as the token price in dollars
  • 1 minute and 5 minutes timeframe was added to the Trading View Chart
  • TradingSummary is now collapsable

High Leverage

  • The HLS health curve for HLS accounts was changed from log(3.5) to log(1.2)
  • The APY range and strategy copy on HLS were adjusted to be less confusing
  • The debt column from the HLS active strategies table was removed to increase readability


  • A bug on the Trading View Chart was fixed, where changing the timeframe flipped the ratio
  • HLS accounts aren't selectable via URL anymore to avoid issues on the AccountDetails overlay

Release v2.2.0


  • The outpost was converted to be chain-agnostic.
  • A chain select was added to the header to enable switching between outposts.
  • Testnets only show on the testnet outpost, while the mainnet app only shows mainnet outposts (incl. V1).
  • External links now have an icon to identify them.

Credit Accounts

  • Prices are now fetched directly from Pyth, if available. This prevents prices from showing $0.00 if the oracle is stale.
  • AssetSelect is default ordered by current balance value or borrow rate and can be sorted by symbol.


  • The Trade link in the header is now clickable and takes users to Trade Simple.
  • The TradeChart updates every second and shows live prices.
  • Trading View was changed to show the asset price (of the asset the user wants to buy) in USD.
  • A Pyth Logo was added to the Trading Chart.


  • Deposit caps are now highlighted if they are near the maximum capacity or full.


  • Most settings are now chain-specific
  • Users can now opt out of updating the price oracle on every transaction. This setting does not impact Ledger users, as it is forced to "off" if the user uses a hardware wallet (to prevent the transaction messages from exceeding the wallet's character threshold).


  • Hover effects in the Trade dropdown were fixed.
  • The AutoConnect logic was improved.
  • Withdrawing from a Credit Account to the wallet when assets are lent was fixed.
  • The AutolendSwitch was updated to update the auto-lending setting accordingly.
  • The deposit-cap-exceed warning now shows the precise amount of tokens that could be provided until the cap is filled.

Release v2.2.2


  • The TradingView now remembers the last selected interval.


  • The AccountSummary was revamped and updated to be uniform in and outside modals.


  • Selecting favorite assets wasn't working and has been fixed.